
7 Apr 2012

This is the Boat Race Protest..WAS IT RYANAIR PROTESTER ..IT WAS TRENTON OLDFIELD.. http://elitismleadstotyranny.squarespace.com/ CAMBRIDGE and OXFORD BOUT RACE...UNIVERSITY and COLLEGE..

  Ryanairdontcare Campaign can confirm the protest today in the Oxford and Cambridge was not Ryanairdontcare Campaign..It was Trenton Oldfield's non-violent civil disobedience protest.
We must inform university and college students that Ryanair are recruiting for university and mainly college students taking travel and tourism, to join as Probationary Ryanair Cabin Crew for a summer period...This job opportunity has a training fee and is a scam...
In 2009 Ryanair spent a lot of time and money going into Southern College  in Ireland getting young students to join this recruitment scam and charging a large training fee........
Ryanairdontcare Campaign had contact with Southern College  in Ireland in 2010 to inform them of this policy to Recruit for Termination by Ryanair and it was confirmed by Southern College of this that they will not be involved again with Ryanair recruitment...
We must point out ''WARNING'' Ryanair use Crewlink,Dalmac,StJames Management and Cavok to recruit students..

John said,
Never thought to do this protest which i must say had some great  publicity..Trenton Oldfield did a great non-violent civil disobedience protest today,elitist was his awareness.''to rule by an elite group...
here is his blog..  http://elitismleadstotyranny.squarespace.com/ .. Trenton stood up and was counted,congratulations...Civil disobedience is the only way sometimes.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reporter in the Daily Mirror who called Michael O'Brien and Erica Rowe 'Sporting Protesters' has got her knickers in a twist.
Neither of these streakers were protesting about anything.There have been some streaker protesters who have written protest messages on their bodies, but not Erica Rowe or Michael O'Brien